Club Booger Kennels
Fontenot's Booger
Club Booger Kennels has saved some of the finest
of the Morfin dogs . Mr.Morfin's blood was based on a Maloney dog named
Fontenot Booger. Dr. Zarco took three of his best bitches in
and Zira and
bred them to Jack Sparrow for the first line breeding outside of the Morfin yard
in half a century. We are honored that they chose my dog Jack Sparrow for that
purpose. One of Mr.Morfin's dying wishes was that they cross his
Fontenot Booger blood into the best of the Bass Tramp Redboy blood. For that
reason they have a son of Taz Tramp Redboy as well. After these three
bitches were bred to Jack Sparrow, we have picked what we think to be the cream
of the crop and started blending these two lines together. . It is from these
breedings that we offer a few select dogs for sale.
None (832)423-6665