Next Generation



These females will be shown on the ADBA Show circuit, and if they place well enough, will be moved to brood status as the older bitches are retired and rehomed.


 Comments:  This bitch is from a super coveted frozen semen breeding. After DECADES in the semen bank out comes the Heavy D semen to save and perpetuate this specific strain of Redboy dogs. This type of breeding is what can come about when you maintain long-term relationships with a group of trustworthy individuals all working toward the common goal of making better bulldogs. Thank you Pit Island for breeding up the two dogs that started this journey. Thank you Central Coast Kennels for sending Red Hot Chili Pepper, and thank you Redhead for the trust and confidence to use both the Tazmanian Red and Heavy D frozen semen. Mission accomplished   (832) 423-6665


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Comments: Last year we bred Chicago Bulldog's Thunder to Tazzy's littermate sister's Pistol Annie and Crazy Irene to bring back the old school Jeep-Redboy cross. Now we take it one step further and breed Tazzy to Mechanic. Straight Jeep Honeybunch to a daugter of Tazmanian Red using frozen semen from 1999 !  Back to the FUTURE!!! 

(832) 423-6665 or


This bitch belomgs to Private Pet Transport in Houston, Tx


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Comments: Comments: An absolutely crazy insane little firecracker from the brother to Savage Jack to a half sister from Hollingsworth's Bull bred to Jack Sparrow's Aunt. Can we say "HOLLINGSWORTH?"   Thank you Red Tide Kennels for this gift. She'll do well here . PHONE CALL PREFERRED

RTK's Molly

Click on Picture for Pedigree


Comments: Maloney's Toot top and bottom. The most Inbred Fontenot Booger bitch in the world to the best of the Hollingsworth blood. Zira is a whopping 71% Fontenot Booger with a touch more of Clouse blood through Morfin's (Clouse's) Corina. Its as good as Maloney Blood gets from different strains . The Buck, Hollingsworth, Tonka Bear and Booger blood all woven together. Tom Garner and Blackheart kennels in TN have bitches out of this litter.  Gracias Doctor Zarco por tu amistad y confianza. PHONE CALL PREFERRED


Click on Picture for Pedigree