RBJBTKNL's Miss Machobuck.

Miss Machobuck was my pick of the litter female. She was off Machobuck bred to his half sister Miss Superbuck. Both Machobuck and Miss Superbuck were created here. This pedigree put together Yellowbuck, Piggy, Blondie, Butkus, & Miss Leaky. She acted just like Miss Superbuck. The sire and dam are both off of 357 and the bottom side was very close. On top, it was Mayday to Blondie, on bottom, it was Yellowbuck to Blondie's sister. I was proud to own this now retired bit I miss you baby.

grchmachobuck@gmail.com (832)423-6665

American Dog Breeders Association-Pedigree Certificate-Since 1909
1 2 3 4 5 6
Ramirez' Machobuck Super Kennel's 357 Untouchable's Butkus STP's Buck Patrick's Golden Boy Patrick's Keno
Patrick's Big Koko
Patrick's Red Lady Patrick's Keno
Maloney's Dolly
Untouchable's Daisy Mae Onello's Sherman the Tank STP's Toro
Collin's Red Alert
Onello's Twisted Sister STP's Toro
Collin's Red Alert
Wildside's Miss Leaky STP's Buck Patrick's Golden Boy Patrick's Keno
Patrick's Big Koko
Patrick's Red Lady Patrick's Keno
Maloney's Dolly
Untouchable's Daisy Mae Onello's Sherman the Tank STP's Toro
Collin's Red Alert
Onello's Twisted Sister STP's Toro
Collin's Red Alert
Southern Kennel's Macha Southern Kennel's Mayday Tant's Yellow Kirby's Yellowjohn Bass' Tramp Red Boy
Marlowe's Red Feather
Tant's Miss Jocko Chavis Jocko
Chavis Lady Rose
Hollingsworth Dolly Browning's Yazoo Cody A&M's Red Dog
Browning's Yazoo Reba
Patrick's Lady in Red Patrick's Little Tater
Anderson's Rose
SCK's Blondie STP's Buck Patrick's Golden Boy Patrick's Keno
Patrick's Big Koko
Patrick's Red Lady Patrick's Keno
Maloney's Dolly
SCK's Awesome Baby Tant's Yellow Kirby's Yellowjohn
Tant's Miss Jocko
Tant's Goldy Chavis Roho
Tant's Reddy
Ramirez' Miss Superbuck Super Kennel's 357 Untouchable's Butkus STP's Buck Patrick's Golden Boy Patrick's Keno
Patrick's Big Koko
Patrick's Red Lady Patrick's Keno
Maloney's Dolly
Untouchable's Daisy Mae Onello's Sherman the Tank STP's Toro
Collin's Red Alert
Onello's Twisted Sister STP's Toro
Collin's Red Alert
Wildside's Miss Leaky STP's Buck Patrick's Golden Boy Patrick's Keno
Patrick's Big Koko
Patrick's Red Lady Patrick's Keno
Maloney's Dolly
Untouchable's Daisy Mae Onello's Sherman the Tank STP's Toro
Collin's Red Alert
Onello's Twisted Sister STP's Toro
Collin's Red Alert
SCK's Ugly (Yellow Piggy) SCK's Yellowbuck STP's Buck Patrick's Golden Boy Patrick's Keno
Patrick's Big Koko
Patrick's Red Lady Patrick's Keno
Maloney's Dolly
SCK's Awesome Baby Tant's Yellow Kirby's Yellowjohn
Tant's Miss Jocko
Tant's Goldy Chavis Roho
Tant's Reddy
SCK's Piggy STP's Buck Patrick's Golden Boy Patrick's Keno
Patrick's Big Koko
Patrick's Red Lady Patrick's Keno
Maloney's Dolly
SCK's Awesome Baby Tant's Yellow Kirby's Yellowjohn
Tant's Miss Jocko
Tant's Goldy Chavis Roho
Tant's Reddy

Inbreeding Coefficient: 34.8992% .

50.000% Super Kennel's 357
50.000% Ramirez' Miss Superbuck
50.000% Ramirez' Machobuck
43.750% STP's Buck
29.102% Indian Bolio
25.000% Untouchable's Daisy Mae
25.000% Wildside's Miss Leaky
25.000% SCK's Ugly (Yellow Piggy)
25.000% Southern Kennel's Macha
25.000% Untouchable's Butkus
24.219% Patrick's Golden Boy
21.875% Patrick's Red Lady
18.750% SCK's Awesome Baby
18.750% Bass' Tramp Red Boy
16.797% Tant's Yellow
14.648% Kirby's Yellowjohn
14.063% Klaus' Goldie
14.063% Klaus' Zeke
13.477% Chavis Jocko
13.281% Patrick's Red Baby
12.500% STP's Toro
12.500% Collin's Red Alert
12.500% Southern Kennel's Mayday
12.500% SCK's Blondie
12.500% Onello's Twisted Sister
12.500% Onello's Sherman the Tank
12.500% SCK's Yellowbuck
12.500% SCK's Piggy
12.109% Patrick's Bull Boy Bob
10.938% Patrick's Red
9.375% Tant's Goldy

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