Mechanic x Redgal

Comments: We have done a breeding similar to this before when we bred Mechanic frozen semen to Taz Tramp Redgirl.  This time we took Tazzy to frozen semen from Sommer's Heavy D (Shifty) bringing that OLD Redboy blood even further up front. Then we took that bitch to Mechanic frozen semen. Gentleman. this breeding is like buying a dog in 1995. Straight Jeep-Honeybunch to straight Redboy blood! (832)423-6665

American Dog Breeders Association-Pedigree Certificate-Since 1909
1 2 3 4 5 6
Yankee Boy's Mechanic Garrett's Rock Crenshaw's Jeep Finley's Bo Loposay's Dubs Colby's Rusty
Colby's Chita
Loposay's Dot Loposay's Bullet
Loposay's Tiger Lilly
J.Crenschaw's Honeybunch Walling's Bullyson Boudreaux' Eli
Boudreaux' Spook
Carver's Amber Carver's Cracker
Trahan's Beauty-T
J.Crenshaw's Dolly Crenshaw's Otis Giroux Gunner Orday's Tuffy
Orday's Pat
Beal's Ginger Fesperman's Bucky
Schultz Prima
J.Crenschaw's Honeybunch Walling's Bullyson Boudreaux' Eli
Boudreaux' Spook
Carver's Amber Carver's Cracker
Trahan's Beauty-T
Garner's Ronnie Brabham's & Singleton's Snake Crenshaw's Otis Giroux Gunner Orday's Tuffy
Orday's Pat
Beal's Ginger Fesperman's Bucky
Schultz Prima
J.Crenschaw's Honeybunch Walling's Bullyson Boudreaux' Eli
Boudreaux' Spook
Carver's Amber Carver's Cracker
Trahan's Beauty-T
J.Crenshaw's Missy Finley's Bo Loposay's Dubs Colby's Rusty
Colby's Chita
Loposay's Dot Loposay's Bullet
Loposay's Tiger Lilly
J.Crenschaw's Honeybunch Walling's Bullyson Boudreaux' Eli
Boudreaux' Spook
Carver's Amber Carver's Cracker
Trahan's Beauty-T
RBJBT's Redgal Long's Shifty (Sommer's Heavy D) WCC's Deacon Bailey's Bingo Bass' Tramp Red Boy Teal's Jeff
McLeod's Suzie Q Gal
Marlowe's Fanny Marlowe's Venom
Marlowe's Brandy Girl
Marlowe's Peaches Marlowe's Mr.Bulldog Bass' Tramp Red Boy
Marlowe's Brandy Girl
Marlowe's Brandy Girl Bass' Tramp Red Boy
Bass' Cleo
Bailey's Blitz Bailey's Bingo Bass' Tramp Red Boy Teal's Jeff
McLeod's Suzie Q Gal
Marlowe's Fanny Marlowe's Venom
Marlowe's Brandy Girl
Richardson's Cream Bailey's St Hall's Tramp
Bailey's Bocephus
Richardson's Peaches & Cream Medlin's George
Hall's Candy II
RBJBT's Taz Tramp Red Girl Wrecking Crew's Tazmanian Red Kamikazee's Hunter Red Bailey's Bingo Bass' Tramp Red Boy
Marlowe's Fanny
Marlowe's Peaches Marlowe's Mr.Bulldog
Marlowe's Brandy Girl
Nagy's Bass WCC's Deacon Bailey's Bingo
Marlowe's Peaches
Bailey & Locke's Twister Bailey's Bingo
Richardson's Cream
Central Coast Red Chili Pepper Pit Island's Red Man Pit Island's Boomer Jr. Sami the Arab's Boomer
Sami the Arab's Milly
Pit Island's Red Hot Sami the Arab's Boomer
Sami the Arab's Milly
Sami the Arab's Minnie Sami the Arab's Boomer Pitstop's Red
Nagy's Christine
Sami the Arab's Penny Sami the Arab's Boomer
Pitstop's Red Rage

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