Maunchobuck x Miss Machajack
Comments: This breeding is an absolute masterpiece. I took a pure Bolio-Tombstone bitch off Jack Sparrow to a pure Redboy-Jocko male. Then I took a bitch to Mr.Machobuck to blend in that buck with the Hollingsworth blood. To finalize the breeding, i bred a bitch from that to a direct son of Machobuck and Haunch . That again mixes the best of Buck with the best of Hollingsworth.  Please no tirekickers.

(832)423-6665 Ask for Evo

American Dog Breeders Association-Pedigree Certificate-Since 1909
1 2 3 4 5 6
RBJBT's Maunchobuck Ramirez' Machobuck Super Kennel's 357 Untouchable's Butkus STP's Buck Patrick's Golden Boy
Patrick's Red Lady *
Untouchable's Daisy Mae Onello's Sherman the Tank
Onello's Twisted Sister
Wildside's Miss Leaky STP's Buck Patrick's Golden Boy
Patrick's Red Lady *
Untouchable's Daisy Mae Onello's Sherman the Tank
Onello's Twisted Sister
Southern Kennel's Macha Southern Kennel's Mayday Tant's Yellow Kirby's Yellowjohn
Tant's Miss Jocko
Hollingsworth Dolly Browning's Yazoo Cody
Patrick's Lady in Red
SCK's Blondie STP's Buck Patrick's Golden Boy
Patrick's Red Lady *
SCK's Awesome Baby Tant's Yellow
Tant's Goldy
RBJBT's Hauncha Red Tide Kennel's Haunch Southern Kennel's Mayday Tant's Yellow Kirby's Yellowjohn
Tant's Miss Jocko
Hollingsworth Dolly Browning's Yazoo Cody
Patrick's Lady in Red
Holligsworth's Polly Browning's Yazoo Cody A&M's Red Dog
Browning's Yazoo Reba
Patrick's Lady in Red Patrick's Little Tater
Anderson's Rose
RBJBT's Valkyrie RBJBT'S Yellowbull Hollingsworth's Bull Crum's Caribou
Patrick's Lady in Red
Headquarter's Yellow Sassy Tant's Mat
Pit Island's Ginger
Ptown's Brandye II Tant's Mat Tant's AAA
Tant's Sinco
Bourgeois' Tank Sister Tant's Scout
Tant's Brandye
RBJBTs Miss Machajack RBJBTKNL's Mr.Machobuck Ramirez' Machobuck Super Kennel's 357 Untouchable's Butkus STP's Buck
Untouchable's Daisy Mae
Wildside's Miss Leaky STP's Buck
Untouchable's Daisy Mae
Southern Kennel's Macha Southern Kennel's Mayday Tant's Yellow
Hollingsworth Dolly
SCK's Blondie STP's Buck
SCK's Awesome Baby
Ramirez' Miss Superbuck Super Kennel's 357 Untouchable's Butkus STP's Buck
Untouchable's Daisy Mae
Wildside's Miss Leaky STP's Buck
Untouchable's Daisy Mae
SCK's Ugly (Yellow Piggy) SCK's Yellowbuck STP's Buck
SCK's Awesome Baby
SCK's Piggy STP's Buck
SCK's Awesome Baby
Garcia's Camila (Yellowjacket) Pit Island's Gino (Garcia's Django) Pit Island's Thor Pit Island's Thug Tant's Red Devil
Tant's Sinco
Pit Island's Miss Jocko Pit Island's Thug
Pit Island's Reba
Pit Island's Miss Red Burn's Tom Jack Burns' Stumpy
Crews' Glady's III
Burn's Dee Dee Burns' Stumpy
Crew's Goodie
Garcia's Pinky RBJBT's Jack Sparrow Joe D's Red Pirate Hollingswort's Prince
Wildside's Peppermint Patty
DVN's Miss Blitz DVN's Blitz
DVN's Spice
Patrick's Mary (Lucy) Patrick's Bo-Dom Patrick's Alvernon
Patrick's Domino
Patrick's Belle Patrick's Sleighton
Patrick's Miss Molly


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