Alamo City Kennel's Dottie.
Breeder: RD
Owner: RD

Comments: One of the tightest bred Boomerang bitches in the planet. The father Bull is a great dog in his own right and littermate to Horn.  The dam Double Dot was show quality and had a littermate ,Billy the Kid who was an Ace that died of a heat stroke. Red Girl was one of T-Boys favorite bitches of all time. Gents, this blood can be found NOWHERE like this, and the dogs are 100% BULLDOGS

34.630% Tudor's Dibo . The tightest in the world.


American Dog Breeders Association-Pedigree Certificate-Since 1909
1 2 3 4 5 6
T-Boy's Bull T-Boy's Mr.Red T-Boy's Fat Bill Waguepack's Bill Waguepack's Redman Wag's Bobtail
Bennett's Rita
Waguepack's Lil Sheba Waguepack's Redman
Wagg's Sheba
Bennett's Tina LLoyd's Rawhide R.Sorrell's Gatorson
Duhon's Mean Jean
Bennett's Rita Duhon's Peter Son
Duhon's Miss Boomer
T-Boy's Red Girl Bennett's Red-Man Waguepack's Bill Waguepack's Redman
Waguepack's Lil Sheba
Bennett's Tina LLoyd's Rawhide
Bennett's Rita
Bennett's Elvira Bennett's Diamond Duhon's Bull
Bennett's Sugar B
Bennett's Miss Pistol Duhon's Lil Pistol
Bennett's Fufu
T-Boy's Maw Maw R.Duhon's O.P. R.Sorrell's Pistol Pete Lloyd's Gator Davis Boomerang
J.Carver's(Lloyd's) Miss Boomer
Benson's Beauty Carver's Pistol
Carver's Susie
R.Sorrell's Gatorade Lloyd's Gator Davis Boomerang
J.Carver's(Lloyd's) Miss Boomer
Brown's Brenna Lloyd's Grizzly
Lloyd's Hattie
Royer's Lil Luzelle R.Duhon's O.P. R.Sorrell's Pistol Pete Lloyd's Gator
Benson's Beauty
R.Sorrell's Gatorade Lloyd's Gator
Brown's Brenna
Wilfred's Double Clutch Boudreaux' Wild Bill Kemmer's Macho
Boudreaux' Miss Killer
Wilfed's Litte Luzelle Elliot's Clyde
Wood's Luzelle
T-Boy's Double Dot T-Boy's Mr.Red T-Boy's Fat Bill Waguepack's Bill Waguepack's Redman Wag's Bobtail
Bennett's Rita
Waguepack's Lil Sheba Waguepack's Redman
Wagg's Sheba
Bennett's Tina LLoyd's Rawhide R.Sorrell's Gatorson
Duhon's Mean Jean
Bennett's Rita Duhon's Peter Son
Duhon's Miss Boomer
T-Boy's Red Girl Bennett's Red-Man Waguepack's Bill Waguepack's Redman
Waguepack's Lil Sheba
Bennett's Tina LLoyd's Rawhide
Bennett's Rita
Bennett's Elvira Bennett's Diamond Duhon's Bull
Bennett's Sugar B
Bennett's Miss Pistol Duhon's Lil Pistol
Bennett's Fufu
T-Boy's Red Girl Bennett's Red-Man Waguepack's Bill Waguepack's Redman Wag's Bobtail
Bennett's Rita
Waguepack's Lil Sheba Waguepack's Redman
Wagg's Sheba
Bennett's Tina LLoyd's Rawhide R.Sorrell's Gatorson
Duhon's Mean Jean
Bennett's Rita Duhon's Peter Son
Duhon's Miss Boomer
Bennett's Elvira Bennett's Diamond Duhon's Bull R.Sorrell's Pistol Pete
R.Sorrell's Bambi
Bennett's Sugar B Carver's Texas Twister
Well's Shady Lady
Bennett's Miss Pistol Duhon's Lil Pistol R.Sorrell's Pistol Pete
Duhon's Joy
Bennett's Fufu Duhon's O.P.
Duhon's Little Peaches

Inbreeding Coefficient: 59.3371% based on 19 generations.

50.000% T-Boy's Mr.Red
50.000% T-Boy's Red Girl
50.000% T-Boy's Bull
50.000% T-Boy's Double Dot
40.759% Carver's Pistol
37.500% R.Sorrell's Pistol Pete
34.630% Tudor's Dibo
33.984% Lloyd's Gator
28.906% Benson's Beauty
26.996% Carver's Miss Spike
26.660% Davis Boomerang
25.141% Hubbard's Bounce
25.000% Bennett's Red-Man
25.000% T-Boy's Maw Maw
25.000% T-Boy's Fat Bill
25.000% Bennett's Tina
25.000% Waguepack's Bill
25.000% Bennett's Elvira
23.759% Heinzel's Bambi
21.875% Bennett's Rita
21.875% Duhon's O.P.
20.932% Carver's Dee
20.932% Elias Pistol
18.877% Boudreaux' Blind Billy
18.750% Waguepack's Redman
16.992% J.Carver's(Lloyd's) Miss Boomer
16.947% Hubbard's Gimp
14.582% Hubbard's Lena
14.453% Carver's Susie
14.131% Boudreaux' Gypsy
14.001% Carver's Black Widow
13.498% Womack's Mert
13.498% Tudor's Spike
12.500% Waguepack's Lil Sheba
12.500% LLoyd's Rawhide
12.500% Bennett's Miss Pistol
12.500% Royer's Lil Luzelle
12.500% Bennett's Diamond
11.843% Trahan's Rascal
11.450% Walling's Bullyson
11.418% Ritcheson's Spotty
11.418% Ritcheson's Spike
10.938% Duhon's Miss Boomer
10.938% Duhon's Peter Son
10.938% R.Sorrell's Gatorade
10.222% Cannon's Black Shine
9.722% Hanson's Amber Girl
9.521% Boudreaux' Eli
9.521% Boudreaux' Spook
9.375% Wag's Bobtail
9.315% Tudor's Minnie

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