KBK's Batman.
Owner: KBK

Comments: Some of the absolute best of Machouck stock. Iliana , Machobuck, and Moulon Rouge all under one roof.. Foundation stud quality, and all bulldog. NO OUTS , just Redboy-Jocko and Bolio-Tombstone at it's finest.  No pup deals, No deals. 1,000.00 FIRM . DONT ASK

kennelsdennis@yahoo.com (409)622-7131

American Dog Breeders Association-Pedigree Certificate-Since 1909
1 2 3 4 5 6
Work Kennel's Hitman Westpenn's Razor Untouchable's Butkus STP's Buck Patrick's Golden Boy Patrick's Keno
Patrick's Big Koko
Patrick's Red Lady * Patrick's Keno
Maloney's Dolly
Untouchable's Daisy Mae Onello's Sherman the Tank STP's Toro
Collin's Red Alert
Onello's Twisted Sister STP's Toro
Collin's Red Alert
Anderson's Stoney Crabb's T-Stone Crabb's Okey Scheies' Little Keno
Savage's Panhandle Belle
Crabb's Texana Red Carr's Bullet
Carr's Snooty
Crabb's Yellowstone Crabb's Okey Scheies' Little Keno
Savage's Panhandle Belle
King's Judy Anderson's Tonka
Patrick's Judy
Evolution Kennel's Iliana Super Kennel's 357 Untouchable's Butkus STP's Buck Patrick's Golden Boy
Patrick's Red Lady *
Untouchable's Daisy Mae Onello's Sherman the Tank
Onello's Twisted Sister
Wildside's Miss Leaky STP's Buck Patrick's Golden Boy
Patrick's Red Lady *
Untouchable's Daisy Mae Onello's Sherman the Tank
Onello's Twisted Sister
Southern Kennel's Macha Southern Kennel's Mayday Tant's Yellow Kirby's Yellowjohn
Tant's Miss Jocko
Hollingsworth Dolly Browning's Yazoo Cody
Patrick's Lady in Red
SCK's Blondie STP's Buck Patrick's Golden Boy
Patrick's Red Lady *
SCK's Awesome Baby Tant's Yellow
Tant's Goldy
Southern Kennel's Baby Rouge Girl Ramirez' Machobuck Super Kennel's 357 Untouchable's Butkus STP's Buck Patrick's Golden Boy
Patrick's Red Lady *
Untouchable's Daisy Mae Onello's Sherman the Tank
Onello's Twisted Sister
Wildside's Miss Leaky STP's Buck Patrick's Golden Boy
Patrick's Red Lady *
Untouchable's Daisy Mae Onello's Sherman the Tank
Onello's Twisted Sister
Southern Kennel's Macha Southern Kennel's Mayday Tant's Yellow Kirby's Yellowjohn
Tant's Miss Jocko
Hollingsworth Dolly Browning's Yazoo Cody
Patrick's Lady in Red
SCK's Blondie STP's Buck Patrick's Golden Boy
Patrick's Red Lady *
SCK's Awesome Baby Tant's Yellow
Tant's Goldy
Southern Kennel's Moulon Lady Southern Kennel's Shortday Southern Kennel's Mayday Tant's Yellow Kirby's Yellowjohn
Tant's Miss Jocko
Hollingsworth Dolly Browning's Yazoo Cody
Patrick's Lady in Red
Southern Kennel's Yellowgirl II Southern Kennel's Mayday Tant's Yellow
Hollingsworth Dolly
Powerhouse's Yellowgirl Powerhouse Kennel's Deadlift
Powerhouse's Little Miss Yellow
Evolution Kennel's Moulon Rouge Super Kennel's 357 Untouchable's Butkus STP's Buck
Untouchable's Daisy Mae
Wildside's Miss Leaky STP's Buck
Untouchable's Daisy Mae
Southern Kennel's Macha Southern Kennel's Mayday Tant's Yellow
Hollingsworth Dolly
SCK's Blondie STP's Buck
SCK's Awesome Baby


Inbreeding Coefficient: 29.1294% based on 19 generations.

50.000% Southern Kennel's Baby Rouge Girl
50.000% Work Kennel's Hitman
31.250% Super Kennel's 357
31.250% Southern Kennel's Macha
29.688% STP's Buck
28.125% Untouchable's Butkus
25.000% Westpenn's Razor
25.000% Southern Kennel's Mayday
25.000% Evolution Kennel's Iliana
25.000% Ramirez' Machobuck
25.000% Southern Kennel's Moulon Lady
21.875% Untouchable's Daisy Mae
20.117% Maloney's Dolly
19.047% Bass' Tramp Red Boy
18.066% Tant's Yellow
17.188% Patrick's Keno
16.455% Maloney's Toot
16.107% Tudor's Dibo
15.625% SCK's Blondie
15.625% Wildside's Miss Leaky
14.893% Kirby's Yellowjohn
14.844% Patrick's Golden Boy
14.844% Patrick's Red Lady *
14.715% Carver's Black Widow
14.285% Teal's Jeff
14.267% Chavis Jocko
12.793% Patrick's Tombstone
12.500% Southern Kennel's Shortday
12.500% Anderson's Stoney
12.500% Evolution Kennel's Moulon Rouge
12.500% Hollingsworth Dolly
10.986% Indian Bolio
10.938% STP's Toro
10.938% Collin's Red Alert
10.938% Onello's Twisted Sister
10.938% Onello's Sherman the Tank
10.919% Tudor's Spike
10.059% Maloney's Jeff
10.059% Maloney's Bad Ear

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