RBJBTKNL'S Mr.Machobuck X Haunchette

Comments: A Pure Redboy-Jocko to Hollingsworth bitch to the heaviest Buck son of Machobuck dog alive.  50% Redboy-Jocko and 50% Bolio Tombstone. Half of the Bolio blood f the Hollingsworth line, the other half f Buck. These animals should be nothing short of exceptional. Its the combination of the millennium

(832)423-6665 grchmachobuck@gmail.com

American Dog Breeders Association-Pedigree Certificate-Since 1909
1 2 3 4 5 6
RBJBTKNL's Mr.Machobuck Ramirez' Machobuck Super Kennel's 357 Untouchable's Butkus STP's Buck Patrick's Little Tater
Patrick's Red Lady
Untouchable's Daisy Mae Onello's Sherman the Tank
Onello's Twisted Sister
Wildside's Miss Leaky STP's Buck Patrick's Little Tater
Patrick's Red Lady
Untouchable's Daisy Mae Onello's Sherman the Tank
Onello's Twisted Sister
Southern Kennel's Macha Southern Kennel's Mayday Tant's Yellow Kirby's Yellowjohn
Tant's Miss Jocko
Hollingsworth Dolly Browning's Yazoo Cody
Patrick's Lady in Red
SCK's Blondie STP's Buck Patrick's Little Tater
Patrick's Red Lady
SCK's Awesome Baby Tant's Yellow
Tant's Goldy
Ramirez' Miss Superbuck Super Kennel's 357 Untouchable's Butkus STP's Buck Patrick's Little Tater
Patrick's Red Lady
Untouchable's Daisy Mae Onello's Sherman the Tank
Onello's Twisted Sister
Wildside's Miss Leaky STP's Buck Patrick's Little Tater
Patrick's Red Lady
Untouchable's Daisy Mae Onello's Sherman the Tank
Onello's Twisted Sister
SCK's Ugly (Yellow Piggy) SCK's Yellowbuck STP's Buck Patrick's Little Tater
Patrick's Red Lady
SCK's Awesome Baby Tant's Yellow
Tant's Goldy
SCK's Piggy STP's Buck Patrick's Little Tater
Patrick's Red Lady
SCK's Awesome Baby Tant's Yellow
Tant's Goldy
Mrk's Haunchette Southern Kennel's (HPK) Haunch Day LFK's Barracuda Southern Kennel's Mayday Tant's Yellow Kirby's Yellowjohn
Tant's Miss Jocko
Hollingsworth Dolly Browning's Yazoo Cody
Patrick's Lady in Red
Powerhouse's Yellowgirl Powerhouse Kennel's Deadlift Tant's Bob
Tant's Gladys
Powerhouse's Little Miss Yellow Tant's Yellow
Tant's Lulu
Southern Kennel's Dolly Big Apple Kennel's Haunch Southern Kennel's Mayday Tant's Yellow
Hollingsworth Dolly
Holligsworth's Polly Browning's Yazoo Cody
Patrick's Lady in Red
Southern Kennel's Dollyday Southern Kennel's Mayday Tant's Yellow
Hollingsworth Dolly
Hollingsworth Dolly Browning's Yazoo Cody
Patrick's Lady in Red
Vise Grip's Silverbelle Vise Grip's Silverback Avila's Ouch Mexican Pete's Reuger Mason's Hammer
Schaeffer's Godzuki
BC Combine's Raina Mason's Hammer
Schaeffer's Godzuki
Vise Grip Missy Mason's Hammer Patrick's Bull Boy Bob
Patrick's Blitz
Hollingsworth's Miss Trinx Hollingsworth's Saber
Patrick's Lady in Red
Burn's Alice Burn's Hummdinger Burns' Stumpy Tant's Yellow
Crews' Wiggles II
Burn's Sally Gainey's Jr.
Crews' Wiggles II
Burn's Sue Burn's Jake Burn's Hummdinger
Waccamaw's Little Bit
Burn's Dee Dee Burns' Stumpy
Crew's Goodie

Inbreeding Coefficient: 15.6997% based on 19 generations.

50.000% MRK's Haunchette
50.000% RBJBTKNL's Mr.Machobuck
25.000% Vise Grip's Silverbelle
25.000% Super Kennel's 357
25.000% Southern Kennel's (HPK) Haunch Day
25.000% Ramirez' Machobuck
25.000% Ramirez' Miss Superbuck
23.755% Indian Bolio
21.875% STP's Buck

21.454% Bass' Tramp Red Boy

21.289% Tant's Yellow
18.750% Southern Kennel's Mayday
17.969% Patrick's Little Tater
17.712% Kirby's Yellowjohn
17.624% Chavis Jocko
16.112% Teal's Jeff
12.891% Patrick's Red Baby
12.500% Vise Grip's Silverback
12.500% Hollingsworth Dolly
12.500% Untouchable's Daisy Mae
12.500% Burn's Alice
12.500% SCK's Ugly (Yellow Piggy)
12.500% Southern Kennel's Macha
12.500% Southern Kennel's Dolly
12.500% LFK's Barracuda
12.500% Untouchable's Butkus
12.500% Wildside's Miss Leaky
12.128% Klaus' Zeke
12.109% Patrick's Bull Boy Bob
11.926% Klaus' Goldie
11.621% Tant's Miss Jocko
11.152% Carver's Black Widow
10.938% Patrick's Red Lady
10.789% Tudor's Dibo
10.727% McLeod's Suzie Q Gal
10.156% Patrick's Lady in Red
9.619% Rasts' Queenie
9.619% Jackson's Hank
9.375% SCK's Awesome Baby

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